Friday, July 27, 2007

For Sisters


at 2:33 pm, I am grateful for my sister. I am thankful for the gift of a sister to share this journey with... another girl to grow up with. A woman to become with. As different as we are, or as separate as we may become, we still share the story of family. We still love to swim. We worship the sun. We can smell the ocean from miles away. We combine memories and home and travels and friendships. Like the chocolate chips and kahlua in mom's secret cake recipe. Like two fish swimming for a while in the same stream. It would have been worth it all for one laugh... one summer afternoon of laughs. In gray and red hats, nonetheless. I adore you.


Little Fire said...

Dearest Jillian,

What a beautiful concept you have here. Hope you don't mind but I am going to put a link to your blog on my own blog as I think my online friends would really appreciate this. Hope that is OK :) Looking forward to our phonecall and hope you are feeling loads better!

Parisa xxx

Unknown said...

Hiya! I'm stopping by via Parisa's blog- you have such a great blog idea/concept! I hope you keep it going :) It's inpspirational and so positive. Good job sister!